Hope · music · Poetry

Be Gentle, a poem

I have made a new year’s resolution for you, sweet reader! There is nothing more vulnerable than asking. Nevertheless, ask.

Word cloud in various colors:
Ask me, pray, be gentle, I need to say something I don't know how to say, This is important
it's US, 2024, forgive

A Poem Called Be Gentle

I wonder at times
Why those nearby
Seem so ungentle

Could it be true
I had never asked them
To be careful?

So I remind
All those I love
To be grateful

To be here
Alive, not apart
Aware and not hurtful

To mean it
Be deliberate
Pay attention

Speak softly, please
Smile slowly
Let words spin

Time is fleeting
Tomorrow unknown
So be genuine.

by Robyn (2022)

Please do not share my poetry without permission. Thank you. 💚

Lyrics, song title, and band name in green text:
Hey! Hello! I need to see a smile Help! I'm alone!
Can I buy some time?

Just Ask

When did you last ask for something you needed? Most needs are innate and unspoken, common to all. Those are easy. It is much harder to ask for something that might be impossible.

What if I can’t verbalize it? What if it’s unreasonable? What if I ask the wrong person? And, if I get what I asked for, what then?

I’m not okay. I need help. Such literal statements are not easy to say in our non-literal world. Even though I can learn nuance, my brain is wired for literal meaning. Translating is a struggle, but I do want to accept help. Be gentle.

Lyrics, song title, and band name in blue text:
I don't wanna act like there's tomorrow
don't wanna wait to do this one more time
ONE MORE TIME (blink-182)

It’s Not You, It’s Us

Don’t we all want to be heard? When I imagine myself opening up, everyone realizes how much I loved them all along. In my imagination, they answer with gentleness. Forgiveness. Openness. They see through my strength to the heartache.

Lyrics, song title, and band name in red:
It's not your fault, you don't feel safe It's not your fault, so don't take blame
It's On Us (AJR)

As the lyrics go, It’s on us. We will find safety once we collectively learn to listen. Be genuine and gentle. Every day that we push down our words, we hide from possibility. As for me, I resolve to answer. I promise to listen. Just ask.

A 2023 Vibes Playlist

Thanks for reading in 2023! 💙

One thought on “Be Gentle, a poem

  1. Happy New Year my darling daughter. I’m imagining you winning your battles and scoring big points. I except your invitation for New Year’s resolutions to support. (Assuming I understood your message correctly). Human beings are my security blanket. I do better when in the company of others. This resolution is a two parter. To be okay when separated from family and friends while also seeing family more often. Our time here with Mum is interesting in its complexity. Like a soap opera, the information is always changing. Today’s goal was to get her into the shower. Unfortunately, we’ve had to ask her boyfriend to not visit for a few weeks while authorities assess whether she’s being held against her will. We thought he may be upsetting her by coaching her on how to get out. However, she is still destroying furniture and yelling. After spending two hours with Betty today I’ve gone to the library to read newspapers. We also support our selves by visiting friends and relatives as often as possible. They’re happy to make time for a movie or games or a pub. Until things change we won’t be able to come home. If she returns home as she wishes or stay will lengthen dramatically. Oops. Did that sound k like ranting?


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